about me

Luke Fenwick, Life coach & Behaviour Strategist, Melbourne

Luke Fenwick - Life Coach, Leadership Coach & Behaviour Strategist


Husband to Julie and father of little boy Evren and little girl Billie, my professional corporate career was so important, however it was at a point where I was allowing work and my mindset towards it to negatively impact almost every aspect of my life. My emotions were out of control and this was detracting from my ability to function at work to the level I was capable of and it was destroying my life away from it. 

So at the age of 44, I decided it was time to change the story which was supposed to be “the rest of my life”.  I stepped away from my corporate role to reevaluate what was important and create beliefs and habits that would carry me forward in life and into my chosen legacy.

With one of the most defining moments and failures behind me I continue to work towards my vision of being the best father, husband and person I can be but remain aware that we all have work to do. I have created powerful health routines for my mind and body, found the joy of long distance and Ultra running, I have discovered the art of reflecting, writing and journaling and adopted the mindset to control what I can control.

I now know that I need to have purpose in my work and life, instead of focusing on external satisfaction. This moves me towards my mission, which is to help as many people do the things they want to do in order to pursue their true potential, live their best life and create a legacy of fulfilment.



my legacy

The reason I chose that path and became a life coach is bigger than me. It is for my wife, it is for my son and daughter, it is for all of the others that are wanting to do more and be more for their family and their community. 

I am a life coach for those that are wanting to make an impact on the generations that follow them, for those that are thinking that life could be so much better than right now. I am a life coach for those that know they are destined to be more, those who need to find more purpose and meaning to life and create a plan to feel proud of.

I believe that we all have the ability to live a bigger more fulfilling life, we just need to know how and where to start! We need the support to break down the boundaries in our minds and create the positive habits to achieve even the biggest of goals.
Our priorities change as our actions in the present shapes our future.


why me


I understand that there comes a time when you question the story that you are creating for you and your loved ones and realise that the story is not what you want it to be, you want something more.

The story is not what you want to be remembered for by the generations that come, it is missing the things that will feel fulfilling.

I understand the pressures of life, friends, family commitments and wanting to do everything possible to create the most special life you can but not clear where to start.

I understand the want to achieve as much as possible in a  career.
I understand the want to have amazing relationships and lead a healthy and happy life.
I understand that the want for more money and more possessions can drive unhealthy beliefs, thoughts and actions.
I understand that sometimes you can realise what your ego has driven you to create may not be in fact everything that you truly want.
I understand that this can create confusion and pain.

I understand all of this because I lived that life, I have lived the life of success, amazing unforgettable and enviable moments, prized possessions and lived the life where it all became clear that this is not what life is truly about.

I understand without question how to get you to where you want to go, because I have been there before and would love to help you find your way.

My Ultra-Marathon Running Adventure

I’m an ultra runner!

I always ran but a few years ago, I discovered myself a passion for ultra running. This is part of who I am now, how I push my own limits and keep my own mindset strong.

Read about my ultra experiences on my blog.

my approach


My official teaching and approach is derived from the Jay Shetty Genius School for Life Coaches, however my approach to working with clients has been shaped by people such as Tony Robbins, BJ Fogg , Steve Magness , Susan David , Dr Carol Dweck , Marshall Goldsmith and Andy Puddicombe, thousands of hours of study, content and working with people over 20 years. 

My purpose as a life coach is to help you to gain awareness of not only your vision and goals but your deeply held beliefs which may be holding you back from accomplishing everything you want.

My purpose is to ensure you create the foundation for the life that you truly want to live and deserve to have. As well as prepare you now for the living legacy you wish to create.

Although it is in my role to help clarify, support and motivate, I am not  just there to say yes, I am here to challenge you to expand out of your comfort zone and ensure you apply consistent action. I am not about fixating on the negative... I am there to help you find your strengths and focus to create balance, success and happiness in your life.

I am there for one purpose and that is to get you the results you want and dream of.

My clients are doing well in life, they are achieving many aspects of what they would see as fulfilling but deep down they know that something is missing, they seek meaning and a sense of accomplishment.


Jay Shetty Certification School is accredited by the Association for Coaching (AC) at AACT level and is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council. As a part of the regulated coaching industry I abide by the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches and Mentors.


my experience


Accredited Life Coach - Jay Shetty Genius Program of Coaching 2020

Tony Robbins conference - Unleash the Power Within 

20 years of professional coaching and mentoring


my career


My career spans 25 years across numerous Sales and Marketing roles in industries such as luxury goods and professional sports organisations. I travelled the world, dined in world renowned restaurants, met celebrities and sporting stars, won a championship in professional sports, lived the good life, adrenaline pumped, experienced glory, work was often a dream filled with incredible moments.

Those roles have very often been focused on leadership, prioritising my teams development, challenges and goals. My knowledge and experience allowed me to provide strategic direction to multiple organisations, though my passion was always to help those around me achieve what they wanted in their career.

Connect on Linkedin for more about my career before life coaching

Chat with me

If you’d like to have a chat, get to know me better or just understand how an experienced life coach can help you achieve your goals, get in touch. It only costs your time and could be the start of something more.